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Olga Dumitriu

Account Manager

Bachelor of Business at La Trobe University

Helping solve client’s problems and working as part of a team is what motivates me every day. I have always believed that it is important to listen to your clients and discover what solutions best meets their needs.

What's your background?

I grew up in Melbourne but I have been lucky enough to travel the world. My favourite countries would have to be Romania and Brazil. I enjoy experiencing different cultures and I hope to travel again soon. I attended La Trobe University and completed a Bachelor of Business (majoring in Marketing and Event Management). I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to pursue when I first finished high school, so I studied a Bachelor of Science before transferring to a business course! I am glad that I made the change as I believe my people skills and passion for client account management has got me to where I am today. Growing up I was involved in many sports and I enjoyed the outdoors. I still enjoy getting out in nature any chance I can get and I like to go camping and hiking with my friends.

What's your job about?

I am an Account Manager at Wipro. I am part of the BFSI (SMU) division, and I manage three accounts. My day to day involves managing and nurturing relationships with clients and alliance partners to drive profitable growth from farming activities thereby developing sustainable and continuous improvement in customer engagement. I work with the wider Wipro team to ensure clients objectives are met and I cover all grounds from developing an account strategy, leading client leadership workshops, supporting the extended sales team, identify and create new opportunities and plan a growth strategy to drive revenue and targets.

Did you always know you wanted to work in this field?

Yes. Although I have always had a passion for health science and I explored this area my true passion has always been within the business and specifically tech and IT. I find this field to be exciting, and innovative and it challenges me every day and keeps me on my toes! My personal goals have always been to work for a global IT company as an Account Manager in which I achieved last year when I joined IBM and most recently Wipro.

What is most rewarding about your job?

Helping solve client’s problems and working as part of a team is what motivates me every day. I have always believed that it is important to listen to your clients and discover what solutions best meets their needs. A successful project or a win is something that always puts a smile on my face because you can celebrate the hard work and dedication and most importantly help your clients meet their objectives.

What were some of the challenges you faced in getting to where you are now?

I have been lucky enough to work across a variety of industries and organisations which has helped me develop my skills, be adaptable and create a strong network of supportive professionals. It would be fair to acknowledge I did not get to where I am today without hard work and dedication (and yes sometimes very long hours), challenges, breaks downs and uncertainty however I always remember and refer back to the advice shared with me – “You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable” Ginni Rometty.

3 pieces of advice for you would give women who want to work in your industry?

I am a supporter of following your dreams and passion regardless of what society, friends, family or colleagues may advise. It is important to follow a career path that suits your specific skills and interests as it is something that you will do every day and I think it is really vital to enjoy your job. My three words of advice would be to set personal goals and celebrate achievements, keep going regardless of how hard it may get and challenge yourself every day.