Land, Planning and Environment Graduate - North East Link Program at Victoria's Big Build
Bachelor of Environmental Science at Deakin University
6.30 AM
I wake up around 6.30 AM and either go for a walk, exercise or snooze all my alarms. I’ve been working from home for nearly all of my graduate program, so I like to allow myself some time in the morning. My desk is in my room, so I ensure I spend time out of it before I start work. I have my first cup of coffee on my balcony and enjoy the view, eat breakfast, and talk to my housemates!
8 AM
Once I’ve gotten ready, I sit down at my desk between 8 AM and 8.30 AM. I turn on my computer, check my to-do list and what meetings I have on that day, and check my emails. I also make another coffee!
9 AM
I’m part of the Environment and Sustainability team at North East Link Program (NELP) and we have a daily meeting that allows us to stay connected throughout working from home by discussing non-work- and work-related items. Everybody works on different components of the project, so this is a way that we can ensure that we are working together as a team and having a similar approach to different packages of work.
10 AM
After the team meeting, I begin on my tasks for the day. I know that I work better in the morning, and NELP is flexible, so I aim to schedule all my meetings in the afternoon. This allows me to remain productive.
Today I focus on developing procedures on environmental approvals, designing a new internet site that helps navigate environmental and sustainability compliance and reviewing documents. I like the fast-paced and exciting work that NELP has to offer. I’m constantly learning and challenging myself but feel supported throughout it all.
12 PM
I block out an hour daily between 12 PM and 1 PM to ensure I have lunch and get outside for a walk. I did this walk with my housemate today. I find it helpful to separate my day when working from home and to keep myself productive in the afternoon. The work hours at NELP are catered to your working lifestyle.
1 PM
I get home, eat some food and jump straight into my afternoon of meetings. I have a weekly meeting with one of our contractors to discuss key priorities and issues, as well as a monthly sustainability director briefing, and a planning meeting with some of our engineers.
5 PM
Before I finish work, I close out any tasks for the day and write my to-do list for tomorrow. I finish work around 5.30 PM or 6.00 PM, ensure my computer is turned off and start making dinner.